New Trend – Young People shift mode of transportation

The Atlantic Cities recently published an article on the question Why Young Americans are Driving So Much Less Than Their Parents?  It focuses on the study Transportation and the New Generation – Why young people are driving less and what it means for transportation policy.

This american study points out that young people making more use of transit, bikes, and foot power to get around than the generation before. Furthermore the two main findings about young people and driving is:

  • The average annual number of vehicle miles traveled by young people (16 to 34-year-olds) in the U.S. decreased by 23 percent between 2001 and 2009, falling from 10,300 miles per capita to just 7,900 miles per capita in 2009.
  • The share of 14 to 34-year-olds without a driver’s license increased by 5 percentage points, rising from 21 percent in 2000 to 26 percent in 2010, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

Considering this findings a shift in future transportation trends would intend a shift of transportation policy makings as well. To give an example: To meet the demand for alternative transportation, federal, state and local governments would need to prioritize investment in public transportation, bike lanes, sidewalks and other transportation alternatives. To compensate for the declines in gas-tax revenues, decision-makers would need to find alternative sources of funding for road and bridge maintenance

Full article and study