News and Blogs

Safe Roads for All: a post-2015 agenda for health and development

St. Petersburg, Russia- 7 May 2013

The Commission for Global Road Safety marked the start of United Nations Global Road Safety Week by launching the Make Roads Safe Report at the High Level Policy Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.  The Russian Federation has been playing a leading role in advancing global action on road safety and was instrumental in the adoption of United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020.

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Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Builds Momentum Towards an Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum for Africa

Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Builds Momentum Towards an Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum for Africa 

April 8, 2013-Nairobi, Kenya.

Over the past decade, Africa has been experiencing tremendous economic dynamism and growth: seven of the world’s ten fastest-growing countries are in Africa; the continent’s economic output has more than tripled; and average economic growth is expected to be 4.8

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