Launch of the Transport NAMA Database Prototype

The prototype of the Transport NAMA Database was officially launched during the COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland. The Transport NAMA Database is an interactive web-based portal that provides access to transport NAMAs and gives a systematic overview of NAMAs at all stages of development. It is the first resource to present information about transport NAMAs in one place and has been developed by GIZ TRANSfer Project with funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and supported by WRI/EMBARQ within the framework of the activities of the Bridging the Gap (BtG) network and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SloCaT).

An initial stock of information has been collected from online resources and stakeholder consultation by GIZ and WRI/Embarq with NAMA developers and National Implementing Entities. Interested stakeholders are invited to comment on the prototype. A reviewed version will go online early 2014.

For more information, please visit the Transport NAMA Database website at or take a look at the NAMA Database Presentation.