Survey on Rural Transport and Sustainable Development Goals

The SLoCaT Partnership is promoting the improvement of rural transport in partnership with, and support of the UK Aid-funded Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP). A new joint project, “Promotion of Sustainable Rural Access in the implementation of the 2030 Global Agenda on Sustainable Development,” began implementation in November 2016 with the objective to further promote sustainable rural access as a viable component of the implementation strategies for achieving the SDGs and to ensure its inclusion in the high-level, multi-lateral development discourse on sustainable transport and rural development.

We are now developing a set of key messages on rural transport and SDGs which will serve as the cornerstone of advocacy materials used by SLoCaT in various media channels, publications, and promotional materials on outreach on rural transport in the context of the ongoing ReCAP project.

An online survey has been developed for relevant stakeholders in transport and sustainable development to share their views on which themes and topics should be prioritized in our advocacy activities on rural transport. Surveyees can also sign up to help disseminate these key messages on rural transport in their respective channels.

The link to the survey is:

We expect that the survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

This consultation process will run until 15 February, 2017. The results of the online survey will contribute to the selection of a final list of five key messages on rural transport and SDGs.

For more information, please visit or contact Alice Yiu at