Move Windhoek wins UITP award for innovative solutions for a better public transport

Mr Clarence Rupingena (middle) receives the Integrated Mobility Award from Mr Ousmane Thiam, UITP President (left) and UATP President and CEO of Gautrain Mr Jack van der Mervwe during the 60th UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition in Genva (Picture Source: UITP)

Major honour for the GIZ Move Windhoek Project. Clarence Rupingena on behalf of the Move Windhoek Project (Manager Public Transport – City of Windhoek) received the UITP Africa Grow with Public Transport Award for Integrated Mobility at the UITP World Conference in Geneva, Switzerland on the 26th of May 2013.

The prize is being awarded to innovative approaches to sustainable urban mobility. The team received the award for its approach to involving stakeholders and the public as well as its vision for an accessible and affordable public transport system reflected in the Sustainable Urban Transport Master Plan.

“The award is underlining that the direction that we have taken as a nation is the right direction. This project could not have been implemented without the remarkable cooperation between Namibian government institutions and the technical support of GIZ”, says Clarence Rupingena.

GIZ Team Leader Prof Dr Semar adds “The Master Plan will contribute to the reduction of poverty by providing an affordable access to mobility and consequently working places and public facilities through an efficient and accessible public transport system. Windhoek has a huge chance to avoid the mistakes done in many capitals in the world and we are proud to support this process. The award for the project team is a great motivation and hopefully helps to implement the planning tools.”

To learn more about the Master Plan and the public and stakeholder engagement process visit or contact Frederik.strompen[at]