Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative (URSSI)

Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative (URSSI) is a Not-for-Profit Non Governmental Organization that was established in 2009 to  facilitate coherent and timely development and planning of road transport and urban development in Uganda with particular emphasis on roads, municipal planning and sustainable transport management both in rural and urban areas. Our advocacy programmes propose a strong link between road development and urban planning to mitigate future urban sprawl and congestion thus promoting sustainable development through smarter transport systems.


A Uganda with well Planned Towns and Cities with a Modern Road Transport System


To Facilitate the Improvement and Sustainability of Modern Town Planning Practices and Coherent Road Transport Development and Management in Uganda


  1. To ensure transparency and accountability of the road sector performance in Uganda
  2. To provide platform for information sharing and dissemination on roads and transport systems in general in which the road users can raise their concerns.
  3. To strengthen capacity of the public to hold government accountable for the road development and maintenance.
  4. To generate appropriate information on mobility, transport, and urban planning practices for both local and international use
  5.  To advocate for domestication of international  best practices in road development and urban transformation
  6. To work with State and Non-State actors in finding lasting solutions to challenges facing urban planning and transport development in Uganda.
  7. To raise public awareness about road safety so as to systematically reduce road accidents and increase road safety in Uganda.


  • We monitor government funds allocated to roads and public works by ensuring that contractors provide quality road sector services to the public.   We also advocate for systematic road sector reforms in Uganda.
  • URSSI carries out research, advocacy and dissemination of information on issues related to National Road Transport Budget by offering an unbiased look at the how funds are allocated and spent in this sub-sector.
  • We carry out Independent Budget Analysis and promote budget literacy for the public to create awareness about how the money allocated to roads is utilized.
  • We do procurement and performance monitoring by tracking the process and procedures of procurement of roads to ensure transparency in the whole process.
  •  We involve communities in road monitoring by availing them with simple-easy to use tools that guide and help them to hold both government and contractors accountable for ongoing and completed works.
  • We advocate for professionally designed, wide roads of international standard that are well planned and maintained with better drainage systems, unencumbered road reserves. We are at the forefront of supporting Uganda’s towns to grow into well planned urban centers and cities that are pleasant to both the citizens and visitors.
  • We support and promote modern urban and town planning practices with well planned structures including green belts, leisure parks, recreation centers and organized neighborhoods.
  • We coordinate and provide effective remedies, actions and responses to road safety issues and provide appropriate approaches to address major road safety risk factors and to halt or reverse road traffic deaths in Uganda.
    Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative (URSSI)
    Plot 74 Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya,
    P.O. Box 11110 Kampala
    Tel: +256-312-516864   +256-756-943990
Contact us:
Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative (URSSI)
Plot 74 Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya,
P.O. Box 11110 Kampala
Tel: +256-312-516864   +256-756-943990

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