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Joint General Assembly and ECOSOC Thematic Debate/Forum on Partnerships

9 April 2014 @ 12:00 am

United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council will organize a joint thematic debate/forum on partnerships entitled “The role of partnerships in the implementation of the post-2015 Development Agenda” on 9-10 April 2014, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. 

On 10th of April,  session could focus on how multi-stakeholder partnerships can promote sustainable infrastructure in developing countries. The session could consider concrete proposals on how effective partnerships could promote the development of and drive efficiency in the construction and management of transportation infrastructure, energy infrastructure, information and communications infrastructure, and urban planning infrastructure. The following questions could be considered:           

  • What are some of the key areas for partnership opportunities in sustainable infrastructure and how can these opportunities be made more accessible and beneficial to all actors?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of current partnerships in infrastructure involving a variety of stakeholders?
  • How can partnerships contribute towards augmenting critical new and innovative sources of financial, human, technical and natural resources needed for infrastructure development, especially in vulnerable groups of countries such as least developed countries (LDCs), LLDCs, and small island developing states (SIDs).
  • What additional steps could be taken to foster strong collaboration and cooperation in sustainable infrastructure between the public and private sectors in developing countries?


9 April 2014
12:00 am