SLoCaT Partnership asks UN Member States to enable better integration of sustainable transport in FfD outcome document
The Third International Conference on Financing for Development will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13 to 16 July 2015. The outcomes from the Third Finance for Development Conference will guide development finance for the next decade. It is therefore essential that the Outcome Document gives strong guidance to ensure that adequate funding and financing is available to specific sectors, and addresses the need to rapidly scale up sustainable transport infrastructure and services, including intelligent transport systems.
The SLoCaT Partnership, representing over 90 organizations who are actively working in policy development, financing, and the implementation of projects globally, has reached out to the United Nations member states asking to enable better integration of sustainable transport in the Financing for Development Outcome Document.
In a letter sent to the co-chairs of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD 3) Geir Pedersen, Permanent Representative of Norway, and George Talbot, Permanent Representative of Guyana, the SLoCaT Partnership makes a number of suggestions on how the current draft text could be strengthened from a sustainable transport perspective.
The letter to the co-chairs states that the current draft text does not fully acknowledge the specific funding requirements of the transport sector; in contrast to other sectors such as the energy sector, whose position is detailed at various points throughout the document. SLoCaT Partnership believes that more specific reference to the transport sector as a vital, cross cutting sector that enables all other sectors to develop and deliver on the national and international global policies, targets and agreements on sustainable development and climate change should be more prominently emphasized.
For a whole list of suggestions of how the current draft text could be strengthened from a sustainable transport perspective, please refer to Annex 1 of the the letter in here. A list of supporting organizations to the letter can be found in Annex 2 of the letter.