Among the guiding principles of the New Urban Agenda (NAU) is the importance of strengthening mobility and sustainable urban transport. Likewise, the proposed Regional Action Plan for the implementation of NAU also seeks to promote sustainable modes of transport in the face of the challenges of climate change, urbanization and urban population growth.
This event will focus on opportunities to accelerate the systemic implementation of safe, affordable and sustainable urban mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and its integration in the proposed Regional Action Plan and the global agendas, in particular the NAU, Agenda 2030 and Paris Agreement. Representatives of national and sub-national governments, representatives of local government networks, representatives of international organizations, experts and academics on mobility and transport issues, representatives of the private sector and international cooperation, and others will participate in this event.
The session seeks to integrate urban mobility into public policy dialogue, capacity building and urban investments. It will also facilitate the exchange of good practices and local public policy recommendations to strengthen the institutional framework for sustainable urban mobility and explore the roles and responsibilities of different actors who can facilitate a sustainable transport agenda (development banks, the private sector, cooperation agencies, etc.). In addition, the session will seek to deepen the links between sustainable urban development and mobility (ie via transit-oriented development), the role of mobility in resilience and adaptation, private sector participation, and lastly, equality and gender issues in urban mobility.
This session is organized by ECLAC and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), with the support of the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Latin American (CAF) and GIZ-BMZ in the framework of the project “Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative”.
The objective of the session is to promote a dialogue between public and private urban actors on strengthening the framework for sustainable urban mobility in sustainable and resilient cities within the urban diversity that exists in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Please see detailed program in English here, and in Spanish here.