Urban Mobility: A critical piece in the climate puzzle
Sustainable, low carbon mobility should play a crucial role in the implementation of measures related to sustainable urban development and the monitoring of progress of the New Urban Agenda (NUA). Transport is the key to transforming communities, cities, and regions, catalysing a circular economy, and combating climate change with the capacity to impact people’s lives and livelihoods, the movement of goods and services, and ensure that no one and no place is left behind.
The urban space provides fertile ground for advocacy related to sustainable, low carbon transport; while support to furthering integrated approaches to knowledge, capacity building and action is still very needed. Already, SLOCAT is engaged in work around the implementation of the NUA, including in the UN-Habitat Assembly and the World Urban Forum (WUF). Moreover, engagement in urban processes allows the sustainable, low carbon transport community to:
- Establish transport’s importance within sustainable urbanisation, introducing participants to the governance, planning tools, and frameworks that bring solutions to growing mobility needs caused by rapid urbanisation.
- Enhance outreach beyond transport sector stakeholders.
- Nurture institutional relationships with UN entities working on different elements of transport and mobility and curate system-wide attention to transport and mobility.