Transport for an Equitable 1.5ºC Planet
Ambitious, transformative action in transport is essential to tackling climate change and inequity
Sustainable, low carbon transport is the engine of the global economy and increases equitable access to jobs and other socio-economic opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. It powers a just transition to green jobs in a circular economy. It reduces climate impacts. It improves air quality and benefits public health. It reduces congestion, fuel imports and infrastructure costs. It powers livelihoods in urban and rural areas, within the carrying capacity of Earth’s ecosystems.
In contrast to the difficult multilateral negotiations where every step requires consensus amongst many countries – for instance among 197 Parties (countries) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – we see a flourishing, dynamic groundswell of climate and sustainability action by cities, progressive national governments, civil society, companies, academia, philanthropy and other groups. This offers considerable cause for optimism. SLOCAT will uphold its leading role on disseminating the lessons, scale, broad geographic scope and dynamism of this action happening in the real economy to build broader momentum and convince political leaders to provide the framework conditions for dramatically scaling up action.