Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI)


The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) is a global implementation initiative on sustainable mobility formed through the union of 11 partners, including SLOCAT , to change mobility for the benefit of people and the environment, with a view to the future.

TUMI supports transport projects all around the world and enables policymakers to transform urban mobility. Its activities are based on three pillars: innovation, knowledge, investment. We support innovative pilot projects around the world. We share knowledge with planners about modern mobility concepts, in workshops and conferences. We invest in the construction and modernisation of sustainable urban infrastructure.

Highlights of SLOCAT Engagement in TUMI

  • Collaboration in the publication “Financing Fundamentals for the Decarbonisation of the Transport Sector: International Public Investments for Sustainable Mobility Project” (January 2022). Download the publication here or visit the TUMI web page.
  • Participation of the SLOCAT Secretariat at the TUMI TV Conference (May 2020) upon invitation by TUMI, namely:
    • SLOCAT Secretary General Maruxa Cardama in the high-level session to address opportunities to show sustainable, low carbon transport and mobility services as a vital piece to green, equitable recovery.
    • Data and Research Officer Nikola Medimorec at the Asia session on Combating COVID-19 in Transport.
  • Organised a Dialogue on Innovative Financing in Nairobi, Kenya (May 2019) at the UN-Habitat Assembly 2019 to identify innovative financing models capable of dramatically scaling up the transformation towards sustainable, low carbon urban mobility to power livelihoods and places.
  • Delivered regional Training Course on urban mobility project development and implementation in Pathumthani, Thailand; Santiago, Chile and Frankfurt, Germany from 2017 – 2019 to strengthen capacity of urban transport stakeholders.


Support innovative pilot projects around the world


Share knowledge with planners about modern mobility concepts in workshops and conferences


Invest in the construction and modernisation of sustainable urban infrastructure

Other SLOCAT's engagement in TUMI activities

Dialogue on Innovative Financing

29 May 2019

Nairobi, Kenya

Project Preparation Training

29 April to 2 May 2019

Frankfurt, Germany

Moderation of 2019
TUMI Volt Conference

21 May 2019

Leipzig, Germany

Participation at TUMI TV Live

26 May 2020 (Virtual)