Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference: Official UN updates and SLOCAT activities


14 to 16 October 2021 in Beijing, China

Concept note by the UN can be found  here, including the  registration details

Conference format: Virtually for majority of international participants; in-person for diplomats, businesses and international organisations representatives who are already in China.

Originally intended programme has been streamlined and condensed (e.g., from 16 to six thematic sessions) to accommodate format restrictions and aspects of compatibility of IT systems used in China and abroad.


  • Remarks by invited heads of state on the three days
  • 13 October: Side events
  • 15 October: Science, tech &  innovation forum and minister’s forum + three thematic sessions + side events.  
  • 16 October: Business forum + three thematic sessions  + side events.  

Side event application by 24 September 2021. All side events to be held in virtual format.

Platform for commitments under preparation by UNDESA.

Beijing Declaration will not be a text negotiated among UN Member States (unlike traditional intergovernmental processes/conferences) – Summary of conference proceedings to be published.

No official information on formal connections between the Conference and the UN Climate Conference COP26, either on plans for following up on eventual conference legacy – SLOCAT Secretariat’s letter to UNDESA with proposals for Conference legacy.