The Four Critical, Interrelated Areas of Intervention
in the SLOCAT Strategic Development Plan 2023 - 2026​

Transport services are provided and user choices are made within a specific context. Due to the high number of factors (e.g., geography, modes, investments, costs, actors, culture etc.) the context in which transport takes place is rather complex. This is why understanding and influencing transport and mobility is complicated.

Policy and Legislation

The transport context is heavily influenced by the prevailing policies and legislation which determine the objectives, targets, legal framework and funding priorities and resources. 

Our work in this area of intervention will address questions like: 

  • Which policies and measures deliver rapid quick wins and just long-term transformations and should be prioritised? 
  • Which policies and measures must be stopped and taken out of the system?
  • What are the “best value” policies and measures? 
  • What types of targets and monitoring systems work well? 
  • How do the global processes best shape policies and measures at other levels?

Economics for Transport

Economics plays a significant role in determining what transport infrastructure and services are available and the choices users make in both passenger and freight transport. 

Our work in this area of intervention will address questions like: 

  • What are the external costs of transport and who pays for them? How does fair transport pricing look like? 
  • How do transport taxes and subsidies need to be reformed? 
  • How to ensure the sustainable financing of transport services? 
  • How should economic appraisals for transport investments evolve? 
  • What should be the transport investment priorities of international financial institutions, including multilateral development banks? 
  • What national and international partnerships hold the highest potential to support the right investments & financing? 
  • How to catalyse private sector investment in transport and mobility?

Global Governance 

Policy, legislation and the economic framework are the result of specific decisions. In the case of transport, its global governance involves a complex range of decision makers in different sectors, each with different mandates and processes. In order to improve the policy, legislation and economics of transport we need to understand who decides, how, where and when; and work to improve relevant governance processes. 

Our work in this area of intervention will address questions like: 

  • Who governs transport?
  • How do transport policy processes work? 
  • How, where and by whom are decisions taken? 
  • What needs to change? What perspectives are missing from the process?
  • Which governance mechanisms work well and which are missing?
  • How to ensure decision makers and institutions are held accountable?

Community of Change Agents

Finally, the defining feature of SLOCAT is the partnership itself and our strategic collaborations with many other actors, within and beyond the transport community. Transforming transport requires a broad, coordinated community of change agents working together to challenge the status quo and drive change. 

Our work in this area of intervention will address questions like: 

  • How can we nurture a diverse, inclusive ecosystem of actors? 
  • Who are we and how is the “we” defined? 
  • Who else can be an ally? 
  • How can we work better together? 
  • What are our most and least successful advocacy strategies and why?