Work Program 2013-2014

From Breakthrough to Breakout”.  After having realized an internal consensus in the transport community on the need for more sustainable, low carbon transport and realizing a convergence around the “Avoid-Shift-Improve” as the new paradigm for development of transport infrastructure and services in the context of sustainable, low carbon development the emphasis of the SLoCaT Partnership will now shift to bringing the wider development community on-board and promote the rapid scaling up of sustainable, low carbon transport solutions.

SLoCaT Reviews Megatrends in Transport and Future Directions

31 January 2013: A review document by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) considers megatrends in transport, the Partnership’s effectiveness towards realizing its objectives, and future directions. The review document was prompted by the 2009 Partnership mandate to review progress within three years of its establishment.