Climate Strategies for Transport in Asia

Climate Strategies for Transport in Asia

This infographic examines transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS) submitted in the framework of the Paris Agreement. The focus is on second-generation NDCs (new or updated NDCs as of 10 April 2022). Download infographics: For more information, visit

Reimagining the Race to Zero in the Global South: Exploring the role of Informal Transport in Africa’s transition towards inclusive, sustainable and decarbonised transport

Informal transport (also commonly known as paratransit) dominates the urban mobility systems of the rapidly growing metropolitan regions of the Global South. In Africa, informal transport modes are known by many names depending on the country or region – boda bodas, motos, okadas, trotros, matatus, …

Transport Systems that Protect Health and Climate-Aligning Efforts towards COP27 and Beyond (Presentation)

Transport Systems that Protect Health and Climate-Aligning Efforts towards COP27 and Beyond (Presentation)

SLOCAT and the Health Climate Network organised the workshop, ‘Aligning Efforts to COP27 and Beyond’ to investigate ways to increase ambition in the updated Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies of the Paris Agreement. The discussion also helped define the network’s engagement strategies for 2022-2023. …