A Call for Action for national governments to implement the necessary national action to deliver the transformation of urban mobility set out in the New Urban Agenda

Quito, Ecuador, 18th October 2016 

The transport and development community, meeting together in Quito, Ecuador on the occasion of Habitat III, welcomes the New Urban Agenda´s recognition of the broad contribution of sustainable urban mobility to sustainable urbanization.

We support the vision for urban mobility set out in the New Urban Agenda – but it now needs to be implemented.

SLoCaT Partnership Welcomes New Board of Directors

Two years after its establishment the SLoCaT Partnership welcomes a new Board of Directors. The new Board, which consists of 13 persons includes 5 of the initial Board members, 4 newly elected Board members and 4 appointed, independent Board members.  With the incoming new Board, the SLoCaT Board also welcomes the two new co-Chairs Amy Kenyon of Ford Foundation and Holger Dalkman from the World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. 

Proximity City improving access, avoiding transport

by Cornie Huizenga and Mark Major 

Transforming urban mobility

Urban transport systems are already under pressure with growing congestion in most urban areas. To cope with the additional 2.3 billion people expected to be living in urban areas by 2050, the rising demand for transport per person and the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we need a rapid transformation in urban mobility patterns and modes.