08 Jul 2016 In memreports By Alice Yiu
08 Jul 2016 In memreports By Alice Yiu
08 Jul 2016 In document By Alice Yiu
06 Jul 2016 In partners By Alice Yiu
Program Description:
Brake is a charity working nationally (in the UK and New Zealand), and also internationally with some of our services, for a world with zero road casualties and zero road transport emissions. Our vision is a world of transport that is safe, sustainable, healthy and fair, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Brake encourages engagement of stakeholders, particularly organisations operating fleets, and community organisations. It campaigns for political change to achieve its vision, and also provides support services for victims of road crashes.
01 Jul 2016 In News By Alice Yiu
Santiago, the Chilean capital with an urban population of five million, and a metro area population of over seven million, is a beautiful old-world city enjoying a modern day renaissance. In 2006, the city opened Transantiago, an efficient service and the backbone of its transport system, but has since lagged behind other cities in the region on cycling and walking.
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