26 June 2015

INDCs of Morocco and Ethiopia Propose Actions on Transport

In preparation of COP 21, countries have agreed to publicly outline their post-2020 climate action plans, known as their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

in News
19 June 2015

Pope Francis Stresses Importance of Public Transport in Tackling Climate Change Problems in Recent Encyclical Letter

Pope Francis on the subway in Buenos Aires, Argentine, when serving as Archbishop Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio (Photo source: Philstar)

in News
11 June 2015

Transport and Environment Briefing: EU Vehicle Emission Standards Are Essential to Meet the 2030 EU Emission Targets

A recent briefing by Transport and Environment titled ‘Road to 2030:How EU Vehicle Emission Standards help Member States Meet Climate Targets‘ shows that CO2 standards for new cars, vans and trucks are essential to meet the 2030 EU emission targets; depending on assumptions, they can close around half of the gap between targets and ‘business as usual’ trends, according to the study.

in News
10 June 2015

Transport Experts Discuss Role of Private Sector Financing for Sustainable Transport

27 Experts on Transport and Sustainable Development from 9 different countries in the Asia-Pacific region took part on June 4 -5, 2015 in the “Hong Kong Round Table on Private Sector Financing for Sustainable Transport”.

in News
8 June 2015

Draft Rural Transport Stakeholder Database

In order to map out different stakeholders working on rural transport issues, the SLoCaT Partnership started the development of a Rural Transport Stakeholder Database. The stakeholder database specifically focuses on those organizations working on rural transport issues at regional and global levels. 

8 June 2015

Latest ODI annual report concludes that 60% (US$ 503mil) of urban climate finance has gone to transport

The Overseas development institute (ODI) has released their annual report, Climate finance for cities: How Can International Climate Funds Support Low Carbon Resilient Urban Development. Succintly, the report concludes that transport is a key factor in urban development and has been the focus of climate financing from institutions since 2010.

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