21 April 2014

UN road safety debate hears call for post-2015 action

Global action to combat a growing worldwide epidemic road deaths and injuries must become part of the UN’s new priorities for global development, the UN General Assembly was told on 10 April as it passed a new Resolution to address the crisis.

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17 April 2014

YOURS – Youth for Road Safety

YOURS – Youth for Road Safety is a global youth-led, not for profit and non-governmental organization that operates to make the world’s roads safer for young people. Globally road traffic crashes are the single biggest killer of young people aged 15-29, making it one of the most pressing public health concerns facing young people in a modern age. YOURS was born out of the First World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in 2007 that was organized by the World Health Organization.

13 April 2014

Key Transport Conclusions IPCC 5th Assessment Report WG3

The newly published 5th Assessment Report of the IPPCC confirms that the importance and potential of mitigation action by the transport sector to reduce dangerous climate change. The Transport Section Mitigation Pathways of the Summary for Policy Makers highlight the following 5 key conclusions:

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12 April 2014

Ukrainian cities on their way to sustainable mobility

Ukrainian cities on their way to sustainable mobility – Cooperation is everything

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10 April 2014

ECF presents World Cycling Alliance to global community at WUF 7

The World Cycling Aliance (WCA) is an European Cyclists’ Federation initiative to build a global network of non-governmental organizations with a substantial interest in promoting cycling.

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10 April 2014

Germany-UK NAMA Facility Opens Second Call for Proposals

The International NAMA Facility announced its second call for NAMA Support Project Outlines today, inviting national governments of developing countries and emerging economies to submit proposals for highly ambitious, feasible projects that have the potential to catalyze transformational change toward low-carbon development.

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2 April 2014

iCET’s 2013 China Environmentally Friendly Vehicle (EFV) annual study outcomes would be released on Chinese Energy Conservation Week in June

China’s vehicle sales are the world’s highest for four consecutive years, accounting for about 60% of the national oil demand.

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2 April 2014

SLoCaT Partnership launches a global survey on Poverty and Transport

Following the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the global community is discussing a new global agenda on sustainable development. The Rio+20 outcome document “The Future We Want”, as well as the Report of the Secretary General’s High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda state that the need to eradicate poverty needs to underpin the post-2015 global development agenda.

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1 April 2014

EMBARQ Connect Karo Conference and the New Transport Toolkit

CONNECT Karo 2014 Conference Looks at the Future for India’s Urban Transport

Government, transportation and planning leaders focused on finding practical ways to improve quality of life in India’s cities by improving mobility and accessibility in the second edition of CONNECTKaro, EMBARQ India’s annual conf

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