24 January 2014

Transport Readiness for Climate Finance

In order to take advantage of new and existing climate finance resources and leverage them properly for the transport sector, developing countries can take steps to increase their “readiness” for funding. EMBARQ, the transport and urban development program at WRI, undertook a research effort on behalf of Bridging the Gap initiative to essential issues to address in order to successfully plan for, access, and operationalize transport climate finance.

22 January 2014

ITF Inaugurates New Platform: Corporate Partnership Board

First meeting of Corporate Partnership Board set roadmap for corporate sector knowledge sharing with policy makers.

On 20 January, the International Transport Forum at the OECD opened a new chapter in its long-standing co-operation with the corporate world.

in News
16 January 2014

Buenos Aires Wins 2014 Sustainable Transport Award

16 January 2014- Washington, DC

in News
9 December 2013

Linked Open Data:The Essentials

This is a quick start guide for decision makers who need to quickly get up to speed with the Linked Open Data (LOD) concept, and who want to make their organization a part of this movement.




9 December 2013

A Theorectical Framework for the Cap and Trade Market Design Structure

A Theoretical Framework and Analysis which gives support to the market structure and provides insight into maximizing benefits and minimizing costs to the vehicle industry and consumers of a fuel efficiency regulation and a Cap & Trade type market.