13 March 2013

The BRT Standard 2013

The BRT Standard launches a new scoring system to establish a broad, global understanding of what defines world-class bus rapid transit (BRT) systems. The BRT Standard outlines best practices and case studies, and introduces a universal standard to recognize leaders and compare BRT systems. Version 1.0 is the culmination of a review by the BRT Standard Committee undertaken during 2011. The scorecard will be tested and evaluated throughout 2012 for a final release and implementation in early 2013.

13 March 2013

Life and Death of Urban Highways

This report, “The Life and Death of Urban Highways,” re-appraises the specific conditions under which it makes sense to build urban highways and when it makes sense to tear them down. After decades of building and maintaining urban highways, many cities are choosing to tear them down rather than repair or maintain them. Five such cities are examined in this report: Portland, Oregon; San Francisco, California; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Seoul, South Korea; and Bogotá, Colombia.

26 February 2013

Light Rail Training