Collaboration is a delicate yet crucial enabler of freight decarbonization
27 June 2022

Collaboration is a delicate yet crucial enabler of freight decarbonization

by Eszter Tóth-Weedon, Director Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance, led by Smart Freight Centre Nobody wants to reinvent the wheel and it is likely that everyone prefers to learn from the mistakes of others. Freight decarbonization is an area where duplication …

15 June 2022

The best second-generation NDCs on Transport

The NDCs Hall of Fame by SLOCAT concludes with awards to the best NDCs in terms of transport ambition and action. The NDCs of Colombia, Guinea, Seychelles and Sri Lanka receive 4 stars as the best-performing in support of sustainable, …

Building transport systems that protect health and climate
24 May 2022

Building transport systems that protect health and climate

by Alison Doig (Director, Health and Climate Network) and Karl Peet (Senior Adviser, SLOCAT Partnership) Photo from Colombia Cycling The World Health Organisation (WHO) convenes health ministries from around the world at the 75th annual World Health Assembly (WHA) in …

Joining efforts to transform mobility through partnerships and collaborations
21 April 2022

Joining efforts to transform mobility through partnerships and collaborations

by Carolina Chantrill, Asociación Sustentar Asociación Sustentar started as a group of classmates and friends who shared political science as a major and were concerned about the climate change crisis. Ten years ago, pollution and climate change was merely in …

Sustainable transport in African cities: Challenges and opportunities through the 15-minute city planning approach
10 March 2022

Sustainable transport in African cities: Challenges and opportunities through the 15-minute city planning approach

by Nikola Medimorec with inputs by Bianca Ryseck, Cabrel Tokam, Fatoumata Diallo, Richard Unuigboje and Robert Ambunda Achieving a safe, efficient, low carbon, and affordable mobility and transport system can be enabled through more efficient planning concepts that prioritise proximity …

SLOCAT Partnership Annual Partnership Meeting 2022 and Annual Report 2021
24 February 2022

SLOCAT Partnership Annual Partnership Meeting 2022 and Annual Report 2021

The SLOCAT Partnership Annual Partnership Meeting 2022 was a special occasion for us to interact, learn and reflect on SLOCAT’s achievements and strategic horizon. The meeting featured sessions where SLOCAT partners shared key initiatives by their respective entities and provided …

7 December 2021

Preliminary Analysis of Coherence Between Commitments and Initiatives Launched at COP26 and the NDCs of Signatory Countries

Are Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) aligned with the commitments and initiatives on transport announced on the occasion of COP26? The SLOCAT Secretariat has cross-referenced transport commitments and initiatives announced at COP26 with the new NDCs submitted by countries which signed …

7 December 2021

Transport commitments and initiatives launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)

COP26 saw an unprecedented number of commitments and initiatives on sustainable, low carbon transport. In this section we will take a closer look at some of them and provide a preliminary analysis of the degree of alignment between  and the …

7 December 2021

Taking Stock of COP26 Outcomes and Looking Ahead

by Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General, SLOCAT Partnership Photo from UNFCCC (2021) After some very busy months at the SLOCAT Secretariat, we have finally had a moment to reflect on the implications of the UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP26) outcomes …

Climate Strategies for Transport: An Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
8 November 2021

Climate Strategies for Transport: An Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies

This report analyses trends in the transport decarbonisation ambition, targets and actions in the climate strategies submitted by countries in the framework of the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the analysis focuses on Long-Term Strategies (LTS) starting from 2016 and on Nationally …