14 July 2020

Streets are public space; streets are political spaces

Aimee Gauthier, Chief Knowledge Officer, ITDP Photo from A. Gauthier During March and April, New York City was the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. I live in the epicentre of that epicentre, in Queens. In fact, …

8 July 2020

Post-COVID Recovery: Major challenges for public transport

Sergio Avelleda, Director of Urban Mobility, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities Photo by billow 926/Unsplash The post-pandemic period will test one of the vital elements of our great cities. Public transport systems are facing unprecedented challenges, which will put …

8 July 2020

How close collaboration across the transport family can spread best practice and keep mobility chains open

François Davenne, Director General, UIC UIC, as the technical platform for railway cooperation at the global level, is the place of exchange for best practice, bringing together many networks of experts. In the context of COVID-19, the strength of these …

1 July 2020

How can the transport sector build back better from the COVID-19 crisis and what is the role of renewable energy in this recovery?

Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21 COVID-19 has woken us up. Our economies have completely locked down, and transport has decreased significantly. This has led to reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution and has given us a glimpse of …

29 June 2020

IsDB announces US$2.3 billion strategic preparedness response for member countries

Shared by Mohammed Alsayed, Manager, Public Private Partnership Division, Islamic Development Bank, and published in the IsDB SDG Digest Special Edition on COVID-19 Photo from Gulf Business In recent years disruption is associated with something positive. This was largely associated …

25 June 2020

Restoring trust in public transport: The way forward

Written by Tsu-Jui Cheng, on behalf of Gino Van Begin, ICLEI Secretary General Photo from CityTalk/ICLEI As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the transport sector has experienced some of the most severe social and economic impacts. Public transport is …

14 June 2020

Stepping ahead from COVID-19: The footpath to recovery and transformation!

Bronwen Thornton SLOCAT Board Chair and Walk21 CEO Photo from Unsplash/Macau Photo Agency Imagine you’ve reached the peak of a mountain (or a local hill). We are enjoying the view, the blue skies, the fresh air, the quiet, the sense …