News and Blogs

Dieselgate 1st Anniversary: All Diesel Car Brands in Europe are Even More Polluting than Volkswagen – Study

As Dieselgate turns one year old, a new study by Transport & Environment (T&E) reveals that Volkswagen is currently selling the least polluting (Euro 6) diesel vehicles. Nonetheless, the marque caught cheating in the US also has the most grossly polluting Euro 5 vehicles on the road, which were sold between 2011 and 20 15 . The better performance of Volkswagen Euro 6 cars has nothing to do with the Dieselgate, but with better technology choices made before the scandal burst.

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The 2017 International Sustainable Transport Award Winner is Santiago, Chile!

Santiago, the Chilean capital with an urban population of five million, and a metro area population of over seven million, is a beautiful old-world city enjoying a modern day renaissance. In 2006, the city opened Transantiago, an efficient service and the backbone of its transport system, but has since lagged behind other cities in the region on cycling and walking.

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First Carbon Accounting Method Launched For Global Logistics Supply Chain

Washington DC, 23 June 2016 – A universal method to calculate the carbon footprint of the logistics supply chain was released today by the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC), a group of companies, industry associations and programs, and backed by leading experts and other stakeholders.

“For the first time, emissions can be calculated consistently at a global level covering road, rail, inland waterways, sea, air and transhipment centers,” said Sophie Punte, Executive Director of Smart Freight Centre (SFC), a global non-profit organization that leads the GLEC.

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