Engagement at COP25


The Chile Climate Change Conference which featured the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP25) was held from 2 to 13 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain*. The Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC), a joint initiative by the SLOCAT Partnership and Movin’On, actively engaged the global transport community at COP25 and worked closely with the Chilean Presidency to advance sustainable, low carbon transport.


Mobility and Transport for a 1.5°C Planet

Tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development

Ambitious, transformative action in transport is essential to tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development.  Transport contributes roughly a quarter of global energy related GHG emissions. Without urgent intervention, these are projected to double by 2050 and transport will become the fastest growing emissions sector. The IPCC underlines that a 1.5ºC pathway for transport is possible. However, the transformation of our mobility and transport systems must be prioritised in policy, regulatory
and fiscal frameworks. There is still time to act. But it requires unprecedented efforts by all stakeholders.

Download the infographic

Transport at COP25: A Make or Break Moment for An Equitable 1.5°C Planet

The SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport, on behalf of the PPMC, has released a report on Transport at COP25: A make or break moment for an equitable 1.5°C planet.

As we have been doing since 2010, the SLOCAT Partnership proudly brought the voice of the sustainable, low carbon transport movement into the climate change process. We were also honoured to fulfill one more year our mandate as Focal Point for transport in the Marrakech Partnership on Global Climate Action (MPGCA).

At  COP25, supported by the commitment to collaborating with and ensuring the engagement of so-called Non-Party actors of the Chilean Presidency and the remarkable leadership of High-Level Champion, Mr. Gonzalo Muñoz , the actions of the transport community pivoted around:

  • Knowledge and policy analysis perspectives, on why and how to enable mobility and transport for a 1.5 ° C Planet;
  • Advocacy initiatives, with advocacy messages by the sustainable, low carbon transport movement and contributions towards the coherence across different UN processes;
  • Dialogue and networking among stakeholders within and beyond the transport community.

As COP25 edged into overtime and negotiations fell short, stakeholder voices grew louder in stressing the urgency of collective climate action. The report provides key lessons for the transport sector to take away from COP25 and underscore suggested focus areas towards COP26.

Download full report

During COP25, the SLOCAT Partnership, on behalf of the PPMC, published bi-daily reports about sustainable transport at the climate change conference. The reports kept the readers up-to-date on transport-related action at COP25 in Madrid. These reports shone a light on the key developments and main insights of their relevance for the transport sector.

COP25 Bi-daily report vol. 1

COP25 Bi-daily report vol. 2

COP25 Bi-daily report vol. 3

COP25 Bi-daily report vol. 4

On the way to COP25, PPMC will be hosting a series of webinars to prepare for the engagement of the transport community in COP25 and through the Chilean Presidency in 2020. In the webinars, the SLoCaT Secretariat will present a timeline of key events in the run up to COP25 and show the planned activities (Transport Day 2019 and other major transport events).  It will also provide any practical information around COP25.

PPMC COP25 Webinar (EN I ES)

UNFCCC MPGCA has released two major reports in the run up to COP25, that highlight the various climate actions in transport: