Climate Change Scenario Studies: Developed Countries

International Energy Agency: Transport Energy and CO2.  Overall, with the efficiency, low-GHG fuels and advanced vehicles, and modal shift taken together, in the BLUE Map/Shifts scenario CO2 emissions in transport are cut globally by 40% in 2050 compared to 2005, and by 70% compared to the baseline in 2050. Also contains regional information for developing countries.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Argonne National Laboratory, January 2011. This report examines whether we can substantially reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from U.S.
transportation. The High Mitigation Scenario shows we can reduce GHG emissions from transportation by as much as 65 percent below today’s levels by 2050.

GHG: Routes to 2050  This project was undertaken for the European Commission and aimed to, among other things, stimulate a debate about the actions that need to be taken in the medium- to long-term (particularly between 2020 and 2050) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector in the EU. In order to reduce transport‘s GHG emissions by around 89% compared to 1990, it is essential that both technical and non-technical options are taken up.

What Policies are Effective at Reducing Carbon Emissions from Surface Passenger Transport?

Reviews the evidence for Transport related CO2 emission reduction potential and cost-effectiveness in the UK across policies that target car technology/choice and those that target wider travel choices.