Infrastructure has never been more prominent on the agenda of country leaders and international organisations than it is today. In 2014, resolutions and frameworks issued by the G20, the newly launched Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, the OECD and the Multilateral Development Banks have all stressed the necessity of promoting infrastructure and infrastructure financing. Infrastructure is key for the development and growth of societies, and, if constructed in a resilient and sustainable way, it can play a transformative role on the path to sustainable development.
The fifth GIB Summit will highlight today’s key challenges linked to the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructure and search for solutions to increase sustainable infrastructure investment on the global level. The summit will stimulate exchanges between diverse stakeholders and create fertile ground for innovative ideas, knowledge sharing and defining concrete steps on how to move forward.
The summit will include high-level plenaries, workshops, capacity building sessions, project presentations and matchmaking opportunities. The topics of the summit sessions include the following:
During the summit, GIB will also offer capacity building sessions for project owners, investors and stakeholders in order to enhance the quality of sustainable infrastructure projects:
During this session, selected projects will be given the opportunity to present themselves to potential investors.
The matchmaking platform at the summit will enable project originators, investors and stakeholders to meet and exchange experiences, present their projects and develop future business ideas. The matchmaking will run throughout the whole summit.
Please see: Draft Summit Programme