The event will showcase the important work that the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) is doing to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – with a particular focus on how the practical support and capacity-building that GFEI partners provide to countries to improve vehicle efficiency is contributing to the SDG7 target of doubling energy efficiency globally by 2030.
There will be an opportunity to learn more about how GFEI is making a difference – including a short film with key stakeholders in one of the countries that is reporting to the High Level Political Forum this year – Jamaica – in which they explain why fuel economy is a priority for sustainable development in the country.
Also at the event, copies of GFEI’s new report will be available, which is being released to coincide with the High Level Political Forum: ‘The Global Fuel Economy Initiative – supporting countries to deliver on SDG7’
You are invited to join GFEI at this special event to hear more and meet some of those involved.
Speakers: Erik Solheim (UN Environment), Dr. Wayne Henry (Planning Institute of Jamaica) and Sheila Watson (GFEI, Fia Foundation)
Please RSVP to by Friday 6th July.