Resilient Design for Sustainable Urbanization: Sustainable Urban Mobility

In celebration of the World Habitat Day 2013, the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat), the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, the Center for Resilient Design at New Jersey Institute of Technology, and the American Institute Architects New York join to host a high-level discussion, which will cover key developments in the area of resilient design. In the years leading to the HABITAT III Conference, and the post 2015 development agenda solutions will be sought for the challenges, in an era of ever increasing urbanization and disasters that impact urban areas.

Expert Meeting on the Recommendations on 2013 GRHS: Planning and Design of Sustainable Mobility

The Global Report on Human Settlements will focus this year on “Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility". This landmark publication by UN-Habitat covers a broad range of urban mobility issues and aims to foster the debate about sustainable transport and its role in cities of the future. We look very much forward for you to you join this meeting of experts and discuss opportunities for cooperation to boost sustainable urban mobility.

Expert Meeting on the Recommendations on 2013 GRHS – Planning and Design of Sustainable Urban Mobility

The Global Report on Human Settlements will focus this year on “Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility". This landmark publication by UN-Habitat covers a broad range of urban mobility issues and aims to foster the debate about sustainable transport and its role in cities of the future. We look very much forward for you to you join this meeting of experts and discuss opportunities for cooperation to boost sustainable urban mobility.


International Symposium: From Visioning to Implementation of Low-Carbon Transport in Asia

In Asian developing countries, rapid economic growth will cause drastic emission growth, which will become significant part of future global emissions. This symposium is aimed at discussing how to design long-term measures to develop low-carbon transport systems in Asia in a leap-frog manner and in a back-casting way, decoupling economic growth with CO2 emission increase. For the discussion, we invite international experts on low-carbon development of urban transport and inter-regional transport.

Forum of Asian Ministers of Transport

The Forum of Asian Ministers of Transport will take place between 4-8 November, 2013 at United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Forum composes of two segments: