2011 Sustainable Transport Award

On January 24th, the winner of the Sustainable Transport Award 2011 is selected in Washington, D.C..

ITDP, UITP & GIZ as partners of Bridging the Gap are part of the committee. Nominees are: Guangzhou, China; Leon, Mexico; Lima, Peru; Nantes, France; Tehran, Iran.


Post-CWG AQM Workshop

The objectives of the Post-CWG Workshop were to bring key organizations together that were involved in air quality monitoring and management in Delhi during the CWG:

Bridging the Gap Side Event on Transport NAMAs

The Bridging the Gap initiative organizes a parallel event to the AWG-KP 16 and AWG-LCA 14 pre-sessional workshops in Bangkok, Thailand, on the topic "Transport NAMAs - first ideas!". Ideas and options for NAMAs will be discussed on Wednesday, 6th April 2011, from 6pm to 8pm at the Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel, only a short walk from the UN building where countries negotiate next steps after the Cancun agreements.

NAMA workshop, 12-13 April, Seoul

On this page you can find information on the workshop: "NAMAs as catalysts of the Environmentally Sustainable Transport" on 12-13 April in Seoul, Korea

Policies for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport @ CSD-19

The SLoCaT partnership organized a Learning Center at the CSD-19 in New York. CSD is the annual meeting of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.

Course Title: Policies for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport

Venue: Conference room B (located in the Temporary North Lawn Building, located in the United Nations Headquarters in New York)

Sustainable Transport, Air Quality and Climate Change Conference

Dear friends and colleagues, 

The Clean Air Institute, together with the City of Rosario, GIZ, the Global Environmental Facility, the World Bank, and the Spanish Fund for Latin America are organizing the Sustainable Transport, Air Quality and Climate Change Conference in Rosario, Argentina.