Latest Past Events

2016 Annual Meeting of the SLoCaT Partnership

In line with the tradition of the SLoCaT Partnership, we will be holding our Annual Meeting 2016-2017 on Monday January 11, 2016 at the EMBARQ/WRI Office in Washington DC, from 5pm to 8pm. All members of the SLoCaT Partnership are invited to attend the Annual meeting. The annual meeting will provide opportunities for members to discuss the SLoCaT Work Program 2016-2017 (<a href="/wp-content/uploads/legacy/u10/consultation_draft_concept_note_slocat_work_program_2016_-_2017_-_december_23.

Transport Events in 2016

SLoCaT Partnership prepared an overview of 2016 global and regional transport events which will take place in 2016.  These events will be organized or participated by the SLoCaT Partnership and/or its members in the context of sustainable development and climate change. 

For download:List of global and regional transport events in 2016.

Webinar: How can Transport Help Achieve the 2°C Warming Limit Agreed in Paris?

Climate Bonds and SLoCaT introduce the new Low Carbon Transport Climate Bonds Standard

22 Dec 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET

With climate finance, green bonds and infrastructure all high on the COP21 agenda in Paris this is a timely event for anyone in transport

Climate Bonds and SLoCaT invite stakeholders to join this important webinar and let us know your views on the eligibility criteria and other aspects of the standard.