Latest Past Events

'Moving towards sustainable mobility in cities: Preparing CMPs that promote sustainability'

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) organised the workshop 'Moving towards sustainable mobility in cities: Preparing CMPs that promote sustainability' on 30 May 2012 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The workshop was supported by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The workshop focused on the subject of mobility planning in Indian cities. The Ministry of Urban Development under the National Urban Renewal Mission has been encouraging cities to prepare their Comprehensive Mobility Plans (CMPs).

Official BtG side event at UNFCCC Climate Talks 2012: Designing a Successful Transport NAMA

Managing growth in motorised land transport with desirable economic development is a key challenge for developing countries. Those that are making decisions that help put them onto a low carbon pathway will reap considerable benefits in the future. This is not easy but NAMAs are one possible way of linking the global commitment to reducing or at least mitigating CO2 emission growth with developing transport systems.

GFEI to launch new 3-year work programme in Leipzig, May 2nd 2012

The Global Fuel Economy Initiative will take the opportunity of the ITF’s transport forum in Leipzig next month to reaffirm the commitment of its partners (IEA, ITF, UNEP and FIA Foundation) to the initiative; to launch its new 3 year workplan; and to share some new data on global fuel economy. We will also be announcing an exciting new partnership.