Global Climate Action Partnership - Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia

The Global Climate Action Partnership is an incubator for knowledge and solutions that can be scaled up, leading the way to climate-resilient low-emission development. It is a platform of climate leaders, that is owned by its members – providing an enabling environment for collaborative and ambitious climate action, learning and peer to peer exchange.

SLOCAT co-leads the Transport Working Group of the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP, formerly the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership), together with the Asociación Sustentar, the USA Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the United Nations Environment Programme. SLOCAT is also a member of the Asia LEDS Partnership Steering Committee.

In Asia, the ‘Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia (LG-CTA)’, was established in June 2021 as a mechanism to support technical and policy leads from member countries that have come together as a collaborative group to work towards cleaner and sustainable transportation in the region. The LG-CTA is one of the central Regional Engagement Frameworks of the Asia LEDS Partnership, each of which is designed to reach a specialised target audience that will consequently result in specific high-impact outcomes. It is a membership-based group of policy and technical leads, who will be supported with multilateral activities (e.g. capacity building workshops, technical trainings and study tours, peer learning) on topics that are identified and prioritised by member countries (e.g. transport and associated sectors including energy and buildings). SLOCAT is an implementing partner of the LGCTA, along with ICLEI South Asia and NREL. 

Knowledge Management and Diffusion

The Transport Working Group’s global efforts focus on providing knowledge products on the benefits and co-benefits of GCAP and NDCs that are accessible to members in all regions, as well as opportunities for members to learn from peers and experts at regional and international forums.

Regional Capacity Building

The Transport Working Group coordinates with the Regional Platforms (e.g. Asia, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean and Europe & Eurasia) and other GCAP Working Groups (e.g. Subnational Integration, Finance, Energy) to design activities that are relevant to the specific needs of the region.

In-country Support

In-depth, advisory support is provided on request. Experts from around the world will be available to provide objective advice, conduct reviews and brief assessments, collect data and recommend sources of longer-term support for individuals and organizations planning and implementing sustainable transport systems.

Key Highlights

The Leadership Group at CEM14/M18

The CEM14/MI-8 side event, Accelerating the energy transition in Asia’s transport through sustainable and equitable e-mobility, brought together government representatives and practitioners from across the NDC-TIA and Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia (LG-CTA) network to discuss the development of transport decarbonization pathways and strategies in Asian countries. It was an enriching experience, with insightful discussions, impactful presentations, and meaningful networking opportunities. The roundtable included representatives from various organizations, including NITI Aayog, CESL, NREL, Department of Science and Technology (DST), India, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Kingdom of the Netherlands, DHL Group, OMI foundation, Agora Verkehrswende, ICCT, ITF, SLOCAT Partnership, WRI India, and GIZ.

See summary of highlights here

Four-part technical training series for the Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia

After receiving member countries priority impact areas and preferred modalities of support, this training series was specifically designed to support in-country and regional key policy and technical leads achieve ambitious impacts working towards a clean and sustainable transport sector. The training series consists of four phases that will be implemented across six months in 2023 and will be open to all Leadership Group Points of Contacts and their colleagues. The training will kick off with a virtual training session (May and June 2023), which will be followed by knowledge sharing events (Q3 2023) and will culminate in an in-person training and study tour (Q4 2023). 

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High Ambition Leadership Group Dialogue: Regional Hub to Work towards Zero-Emission Transport Vision

SLOCAT co-organised the second roundtable dialogue of the Asia Clean Mobility High Ambition Leadership Groupco with ICLEI, NREL,, NITI Aayog, with support from the Department of State of the USA. Representatives from nine countries identified priority impact areas for a non-binding, regional collaboration plan for transport decarbonisation and sustainable economic development.

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