The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) is the UN’s apex body on sustainable development. It has a central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at the global level. The Forum has been convening annually under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2016, and every four years under the auspices of the General Assembly; last time in 2019.
At the 2023 HLPF I 10-19 July, New York
SLOCAT participated in Expert Group Meetings (EGMs) towards HLPF 2023 co-organised by UNDESA and UN entities:
SLOCAT Secretary General Maruxa Cardama spoke at the 13 July session on SDGs in focus: SDG 11 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Sustainable cities and communities. Watch the session.
SLOCAT Director of Global Advocacy and Engagement, Chris Dekki also spoke at the 16 July session, A just, equitable and net-zero transition – how to get it right?, of the 4th Global Climate and SDGs Synergies Conference. Read the outcomes and summary.
UN SDG and Climate Ambition Summits I September, New York
The 2023 UN SDG and Climate Ambition Summits during the UN General Assembly week in September 2023 are crucial moments in the review of progress of the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement. They will also set the stage for the UN Summit of the Future and Biennial Summit on the Global Economy in 2024. These summits mark a renewal of the UN system’s efforts to address the multiple escalating crises and ‘rescue’ the 2030 Agenda & its SDGs and the Paris Agreement. These efforts will start setting the tone towards the future post-2030 global sustainability and climate agendas. Hence they offer important spaces to influence a re-shaping of global sustainability and climate policies and processes.
SLOCAT is exploring potential entry points in the UN SDG and Climate Ambition Summits, keeping in mind the UN Secretary-General’s primary focus on shipping and maritime transport. We are participating in the negotiations of the political declaration of the UN SDG Summit in New York, working with key stakeholders to influence the process.
Relevant resource:
Transport Action for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Transport and Voluntary National Reviews of SDGs Implementation
Side event: Supporting an Integrated Approach to Safe and Sustainable Transport for Women and Girls
Blog: Building transport systems that protect health and climate
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