30 June 2021 In Morning Commute Blog, News
Moving Forward Series: Sustainable Freight Transport in the Aftermath of the Pandemic
The LEDS GP Transport Working Group is publishing a series of papers co-authored by young people from around the world on sustainable recovery for the transport sector: Leveraging insights from COVID-19 response measures to drive more sustainable, inclusive and resilient transport systems.
The COVID-19 crisis continues to disrupt manufacturing and global supply chains, with a noticeable shift in freight travel patterns and last mile deliveries. The paper “An Essential Shift to Sustainable Freight Transport in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Autonomous Robots, Crowdshipping and Cargo Bikes” presents new low-carbon initiatives that can make the landscape of post-COVID-19 freight deliveries sustainable. Several emerging examples include autonomous delivery robots in North America, crowdshipping services in Asia, and e-cargo bikes in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
This paper was co-authored by Agnivesh Pani, and Chris Dekki, Angela Enriquez and Nikola Medimorec from the LEDS Transport Working Group.
Download the paper here.

Agnivesh Pani
Agnivesh Pani is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis, USA. A recent publication of his received the Best Paper Award of the TRB Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) committee in 2020. He is part of the Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport programme 2020.

Agnivesh Pani
Agnivesh Pani is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis, USA. A recent publication of his received the Best Paper Award of the TRB Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) committee in 2020. He is part of the Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport programme 2020.