About AFD:
In an increasingly interdependent world, developed and developing countries share common challenges — economic, social, security- and population-related. As France’s development agency, AFD addresses such challenges by providing financing and assistance to projects. The Agency promotes a type of economic development synonymous with environmental protection, the fight against climate disruption, urban and rural improvements, and social progress for all.
AFD, the Agence Française de Développement, is a public development-finance institution that has worked for seventy years to alleviate poverty and foster sustainable development in the developing world and in the French Overseas Provinces. AFD executes the French government’s development aid policies.
Working on four continents, AFD has seventy-two field offices and bureaus, including nine in France’s overseas provinces and one in Brussels. The Agency provides financing and support for projects that improve living conditions, promote economic growth, and protect the planet.
AFD fulfills its mission with help from its private-sector arm, Proparco. The private sector is an essential link in the development chain because it creates jobs and invigorates economies.
In addition, AFD manages the FFEM, the French Global Environment Facility, financing innovative environmental projects that preserve biodiversity, fight climate change, and prevent land and forest degradation, among other vital actions.
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