Debate on the post-2015 agenda is now well on its way. Various UN institutions, parties, and civil society organizations are working towards a sustainable future in the post-2015 period. For a quick overview, take a look at the Fact-sheet of the UN Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development about the MDGs, the SDGs and other follow-up to Rio+20, the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and the role of poor and vulnerable people in these processes.

Post-2015 Development Activities can be grouped under 4 categories:

1- Follow-up Activities coordinated by United Nations Secretary General’s Office

2- Follow-Up Activities coordinated by United Nations General Assembly

3- General Post-2015 Follow-Up

4- Transport Follow-up in Post 2015

An overview of UN institutions working on Post-2015 Development Agenda