This update report presents profiles of the 22MPGCA transport which outlines their respective objectives, commitment, and signatories and partners.They also include the progress made by the initiatives since COP23and activities in the context of (1) outreach and coalition building; (2) capacity building; (3) knowledge development; (4) policy-making and implementation; and (5) monitoring and reporting. The profiles also highlight how each initiative contributes to advancing the Paris Agreement goals.

The 22 transport initiatives cover all modes of transport for passengers and freight and contribute to all three components of the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach necessary to address the environmental impacts of transport. Avoid-unnecessary trips, Shift-to more sustainable and shared modes and Improve the environmental performance of transport modes -technological improvements to reduce GHG emissions and air pollution. Some initiatives also address climate change adaptation requirements.

The MPGCA Transport Initiatives represent a broad range of multi-stakeholder coalitions expanding to cover for all modes of transport through decentralised action to reduce transport greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen the resilience of transport infrastructure. By demonstrating action on the ground and the considerable co-benefits of climate action on transport (e.g. better urban air quality, less road deaths and increased access) the transport initiatives aim to help increase ambition of NDCs and the efficiency of their implementation. The work of the transport initiatives also actively contributes to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the implementation of UN HABITAT’s New Urban Agenda.


Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) Transport Initiatives: Overview of Progress

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