Event at COP28

Putting Transport and Mobility Systems on Track for a 1.5°C Future

6 December 2023 | 17:45 – 19:15 | Al Waha Theater, Blue Zone  I  Programme

Organised by: COP28 Presidency 

Delivery Partners: Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), International Transport Forum, SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport, UN High-Level Climate Champions Team

A just transition to equitable, healthy, green, and resilient transport and mobility systems is central to socio-economic prosperity for people and the planet. To achieve this, systemic transformations in transport and mobility – linked to wider socio-economic transformations – are needed. The world experienced significant challenges and major crises in recent years, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; this was followed by global economic downturn, further disruption of supply chains and the ongoing energy crisis. These wide-ranging crises have put the already-elusive progress made in the transport sector towards the Paris Agreement at increased risk. In a world of interconnected challenges, the opportunity lies in finding solutions for systemic transformation that cut across transport, sustainability and climate action. Integrated, inter-modal multi-dimensional solutions across passenger and freight transport remains critical to deliver on such cross-cutting solutions.

The event aims to: 

  • Facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue to interrogate the most critical issues, challenges and showcase solutions for aviation, land and maritime transport.
  • Draw links and continue the conversation from the Global Climate Action event in the morning, providing policy makers with an opportunity to respond to ambition and issues raised by non-Party stakeholders.