InCo Flagship Innovation Action on “Urban mobility and sustainable electrification ​in large urban areas ​in developing and emerging countries”


SOLUTIONSplus brings together highly committed cities, industry, research, implementing organisations and finance partners and establish a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions to kick start the transition towards low-carbon urban mobility.

SLOCAT engages in SOLUTIONSplus through the dissemination, exploitation and replication of the project results, with the aim to inform policy and operations, research and development and initiate new engagement opportunities for the initiative.

SOLUTIONSplus will apply a range of exploitation and dissemination tools, including capacity building activities, start-up and business brokerage events, hackathons, innovators’ challenges, policy fora and industry dialogue events.


For more information, please visit the project website at



Builds on a range of tools, methods and guides and adapts them for a comprehensive toolbox on e-mobility solutions across all modes.


Facilitates exchange among city officials, transport operators and entrepreneurs to share their experiences on specific technologies, policy and infrastructure measures, implementation processes, operations, business and financing solutions.


Initiates partnerships among local and European companies and facilitates the joint development of business models, building on sound assessments of economic, social and environmental costs and benefits.


Create reference models for e-mobility innovation by implementing demonstration actions to test innovative e-mobility technologies and services, foster their replication and ensure their long-term sustainability.


Contribute to global sustainability and climate goals by boosting the impact of this project through the integration of the innovative concepts into policy, funding, operation, research and business practice.

Demonstration actions were launched in 2020:

Hanoi, Vietnam  I  Pasig, Philippines  Lalitpur/Kathmandu, Nepal  I  Kigali, Rwanda

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania  I  Quito, Ecuador  Montevideo, Uruguay  I  Madrid, Spain  I  Hamburg, Germany