10 July 2013

New IEA Report shows benefits of improved energy efficiency of urban transport systems

PARIS, 10 July – Policies that improve the energy efficiency of urban transport systems could help save as much as USD 70 trillion in spending on vehicles, fuel and transportation infrastructure between now and 2050, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

in News
30 January 2012

Sharing information on bus transport systems is made easier thanks to new database

The International Energy Agency has helped create a database that will act as a one-stop-shop for researchers, planners, and policymakers to source information and data on Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) systems, such as the costs of such systems in different countries, which until now has not been possible.

This database, which will be launched in February 2012, is the first globally encompassing effort to map out BRT Systems around the world and will include a web portal, which is publicly available for anyone wishing to access information about BRT data. 

in News