10 November 2015

UIC Launch EcoPassenger Website

EcoPassenger provides the most accurate information on timetable of the rail services, performing the calculations according to the type of train and service.

in News
10 July 2013

New IEA Report shows benefits of improved energy efficiency of urban transport systems

PARIS, 10 July – Policies that improve the energy efficiency of urban transport systems could help save as much as USD 70 trillion in spending on vehicles, fuel and transportation infrastructure between now and 2050, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

in News
3 May 2013

The Urban World 2030 Workshop: Sustainable Transport for Global Development and Climate Protection 2013

The Urban World 2030 Workshop: Sustainable Transport for Global Development and Climate Protection 2013 was co-organized by Atlantic Council, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy and the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) on April 9th in Washington DC.

in News