6 June 2013

UNFCCC Releases SBSTA Documents for Bonn Session

The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a series of documents that will be discussed by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific and technical Advice (SBSTA) at its 38th session, taking place in Bonn, Germany. The documents relate to methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, the new market-based mechanism, emissions from international transport, the UNFCCC reporting guidelines, high-carbon reservoirs, and a framework for various approaches.

in News
19 November 2012

IMO, ICAO Report on GHG Emission Reductions Efforts

ICAO reports on initiatives focused on four key areas, including on: States’ action plans and assistance to States; sustainable alternative fuels for aviation; market-based measures; and global aspirational goals. The submission to the UNFCCC presented by IMO highlights that its Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has been considering as part of its agenda actions to address GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade.

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