Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report (TCC-GSR)

SLoCaT is looking for active participation from the global transport community and peers in related fields to act as information providers of quantitative or qualitative data about transport and climate change. The TCC-GSR is supported by the Transport Knowledge Base (TraKB) (download here TraKB version 0.1). SLoCaT welcomes reports, graphics, tables, or external databases that might be relevant to the TCC-GSR.

We are also seeking for experts to act as peer reviewers of draft sections to shape final content and messaging. The official peer review period will be from 10 to 21 September 2018.

Please contact Angela Enriquez, SLoCaT Senior Associate ( to contribute to the above areas or to request more information on the TCC-GSR. 


The TCC-GSR is primarily supported by these organizations:


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