Pivotal times for a shared vision:
SLOCAT at the UN General Assembly


SLOCAT Secretary General Maruxa Cardama addresses the United Nations General Assembly on the pivotal opportunities in the next 18 months to achieve a shared vision for the transformation of transport by mid-century centred on the people and the planet.

At the UN High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Transport on 17 April in New York, Cardama underscores the key transformations within reach that will put transport on track to deliver on equity, sustainability, and climate goals. 

The meeting highlighted the transformational role that sustainable transport can play in implementing the 2030 Agenda. For SLOCAT and the global transport community, this meeting was the first opportunity to contribute towards the implementation plan for the Decade on Sustainable Transport. The Decade has the potential to enhance coherence, collaboration and action for sustainable, low-carbon transport.

The President of the UN General Assembly is hosting the Sustainability Week on 15-19 April, featuring high-level discussions on transport, infrastructure, energy, and more to advance recent UN Resolutions. Notably, UN Resolution A/RES/77/286 established World Transport Day, while Resolution A/C.2/78/L.27/Rev.1 proclaimed the Decade on Sustainable Transport from 2026. These resolutions aim to foster cooperation among UN entities, countries, and stakeholders to promote sustainable transport and achieve the SDGs, with SLOCAT recognised as a key stakeholder in both resolutions. 

  The Week’s programme can be found here.

As part of the Sustainability Week, the UNGA President convened a high-level meeting on sustainable transport, in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The meeting consisted of a high-level opening segment, followed by a plenary segment for interventions by Member States and Observers and then a multi-stakeholder panel. The panel – featuring SLOCAT’s Secretary General Maruxa Cardama – addressed intermodal transport policy-design and best practices to improve passenger journeys and freight movements, and how they can be made more broadly available, accessible, inclusive and safe, in an environmentally sustainable manner. The role of international cooperation in promoting sustainable transport systems among countries was also discussed.

  Watch the full meeting here   I  UN General Assembly President’s message on Sustainable Transport for Sustainability Week

Notably, UN Resolution A/RES/77/286 established World Transport Day, while Resolution A/C.2/78/L.27/Rev.1 proclaimed the Decade on Sustainable Transport from 2026. These resolutions aim to foster cooperation among UN entities, countries, and stakeholders to promote sustainable transport and achieve the SDGs, with SLOCAT recognised as a key stakeholder in both resolutions. 

  Read SLOCAT’s analysis of the UN Resolution establishing World Sustainable Transport Day here and statement here, and our analysis of the UN Resolution proclaiming the UN Decade here.