Selection of photos from Transport Day 2014.  For all photos, please visit Transport Day 2014 Album at Flickr


Transport Day Participants Group Photo: Transport Tackled Climate Change @ Transport Day 2014

SLoCaT Secretary General Cornie Huizenga together with Peru Transport Minister Jose Gallardo Ku and Vice President of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America Antonio Juan Sosa

SLoCaT Secretary General Cornie Huizenga together with Peru Transport Minister Jose Gallardo Ku and Vice President 
of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America Antonio Juan Sosa

Peru Transport Minister Jose Gallardo Ku

Peru Transport Minister Jose Gallardo Ku speaking at the Opening Ceremony of Transport Day 2014

Plenary Session: Tackling Climate Change in Transport

Transport Day Participants discussing sustainable, low carbon transport solutions for climate change

Jean-François Gagné, of International Energy Agency asking a question to a panel of transport and climate experts

Afternoon Plenary Session on Transport Commitments made at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit and their
relevance for UNFCCC Process


EMBARQ/WRI Director Holger Dalkmann speaking with VP of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America