At UN Global Conferences on Transport

2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference I 14 – 16 October 2021 I Beijing, China

The conference aimed at demonstrating a way forward for sustainable transport to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change in the Decade of Action.

  • Letter to the Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs proposing concrete and action oriented mandates to enable a practical, lasting impact of the Conference’s legacy.
  • Three side events on:
    • How to enhance climate ambition in national strategies with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDCTIA).
    • Role of companies in reducing freight-related emissions with IDDRI and Michelin. Presented the transport chapter of the paper, “Climate Ambition Beyond Emission Numbers”, co-authored by SLOCAT and IDDRI.
    • Multi-stakeholder engagement and synergies with Action Towards Climate Friendly Transport (ACT) Initiative and its component leads
  • Participation in UNDESA’s Open Webinar on Sustainable Transport Commitments.
  • Moderation of thematic session on transport’s role in achieving the SDGs and intervention at the Business Forum.


Read more: SLOCAT Memo on the 2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference

Learn about the first Global Sustainable Transport Conference, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, on 26 and 27 November 2016 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.