Updated Work Program 2013-2014: “From Breakthrough to Breakout” – (Updated January 2014)
After having realized an internal consensus in the transport and wider development community on the need for more sustainable, low carbon transport and realizing a convergence around the “Avoid-Shift-Improve” as the new paradigm for development of transport infrastructure and services the emphasis of the SLoCaT Partnership will now shift to bringing the wider development community on-board and promote the rapid scaling up of sustainable, low carbon transport solutions.
The focus of SLoCaT’s work
The emphasis of SLoCaT’s activities continues to be on the promotion of sustainable, low carbon transport policies at the global, regional and national level. SLoCaT is not a project-oriented organization, its members, however, do implement projects. SLoCaT is a collaborative effort to accelerate and scale-up sustainable, low carbon transport policies.
Main Themes, Goals and SLoCaT Priorities 2013-2014:
The overall goal for SLoCaT is “Universal Access to Clean, Safe and Affordable Transport”. To realize this countries and cities will have to take action through policy and regulatory actions and enabling financing. On the ground, a greater number of sustainable transport programs and projects are required from government, private sector as well as domestic and international development organizations in order to scale up the many successful demonstration projects around the world.
In 2013 and 2014 SLoCaT will continue to promote the integration of sustainable transport into the interlinked themes of Sustainable Development and Climate Change. Progress in these parallel but complementary streams will help to advance sustainable, low carbon transport at international, national and city level. In addition, SLoCaT will also actively support Regional intergovernmental Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forums in Africa[1], Asia and Latin America. These EST Forums are recognized as another important means to influence national and local action on sustainable, low carbon transport.
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