PPMC Releases COP23 Final Report: Transport Building Momentum to Raise Ambition and Define Implementation Pathways

The 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was convened in Bonn, Germany in November 2017 to build upon the pledge of action established at COP22 Marrakech, and to emphasize the need for rapid progress toward a 1.5-degree Celsius scenario, the goal of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The SLoCaT/PPMC report, “COP23: Transport Building Momentum to Raise Ambition and Define Implementation Pathways,” summarizes the key transport-focused outcomes of COP23.

Following the experience of tracking UNFCCC negotiations from a transport perspective at COP20, COP21, and COP22, the SLoCaT Partnership under the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate once again tracked how transport is reflected in negotiations at COP23. A series of daily reports on COP23 highlighted implications for sustainable transport in the UNFCCC process and to emphasize opportunities for greater engagement for non-Party actors, including the global transport sector.

COP23 underscored the fact that transport not only has a seat at the UNFCCC table, but increasingly has a place on the agenda. Transport-specific activities and outcomes at COP23 can be loosely clustered around four primary themes: transport under Global Climate Action (GCA); transport and mitigation, transport and adaptation, and transport and finance.

The report concludes by recommending 10 Action Steps for the Transport Sector En Route to COP24 based on the discussions and negotiations in Bonn to ensure that additional momentum created for transport during COP23 continues throughout 2018 through strong, concerted action by Parties and non-Party stakeholders.

The final COP23 report is available here.